Our network consists of highly experienced academics, teachers, tutors, researchers and subject-matter experts. Our mission is to maximise your learner gain whilst helping you to achieve your best academic performance
All spelling, grammar and syntax errors are identified and corrected. Editorial feedback via suggested textual improvements is provided for your learning, supporting your academic writing skills. Tracked Changes used for your convenience.
Your paper is thoroughly reviewed and critiqued by a subject-matter expert. Critical comments are provided throughout, identifying weaknesses, inconsistencies and areas for improvement. An enhanced learning opportunity focusing on grade uplift.
Your paper is thoroughly reviewed and critiqued; critical comments are provided, along with academic proofreading and editing applied throughout. Usually involves two academics.
Cambridgeshire Academics are a close-knit academic community of teachers, educators and researchers who love to learn and who love to cultivate an atmosphere of learning. We operate in the Cambridgeshire region, throughout the United Kingdom and beyond. Not everyone learns the same way; we support students in identifying their own learning preferences and encourage them to develop their own learning style.
We support thousands of clients in understanding their specific academic needs and supporting them to become the best students they can be.